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Early Morning Drives

So I noticed that the sky was red this morning. It reminded me of the saying Red sky in the Morning/ Sailors take Warning" which reminded me of the song "Saints and Sailors" by the best band evar. XD But the sunrise was very colourful and bright. It had actually pourned last night around 6-7ish, which I didn't pay attenetion to because I was practicing. It was pretty initially exciting, though, even if it did make everything humid and damp this morning.
And last night (since I keep my shades open), I noticed that the moon was abnormally bright. It was cool because then I didn't trip on my way to bed @ 11:30, but still. I haven't looked on the calendar to see what the moon is doing this week, but I have an inkling that it's going to be full or close to it.
I can't believe it's December 1st already, on a different note. Like, what is that? Yet it seems like time slows down in school, which is totally unfair.