Clouds and Sand on the Horizon of Mars
This picture was taken by the robotic Opportunity rover. It captured Mars' vast plains of red sand, an orange-tinted and wispy-clouded sky (carbon dioxide/water ice). This was going in the opposite direction of its initial direction towards the Victoria crater. The horizon seems the same as Earth's because it is very flat and expansive. The density and size of dust particles cause the atmosphere of Mars to shimmer somewhat.
This picture initially psyched me out so I had to comment on it. It reminds me of a desktop theme for Windows 98 that I really liked but can never remember the name of- the one with the desert and the triangle things in the sky? I might be confuzing two of them since there was one called "geometry" that I really liked, as well as on that was a burnt sienna desert and the moon above it (very Scherezade). w/e- it was awesome, whichever one it was.
And don't you dare call me a geek, even if it is the truth.