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Anticrepuscular Rays Over Florida

This is around the time of sunset. These are anticrepuscular rays, or sunbeams that are scattered over clouds to reflect and create visible shadows. Normally sunlight travels in straight lines, but because the beams are projected in a spherical sky, they are seen as semi-curves, because the beams are reconverging. This picture was taken @ the Kennedy Space Center over the Atlantic Ocean.

I think I might actually have seen some of these last night over the house around 7:30 when I went out to look for the Iridium Flare. I was pretty disappointed since I went out a little early and stayed out longer than the time but still didn't see anything. I thought I had seen a flash of white light, but it was only out of the corner of my eye, so it could have been a reflection on my lenses. I should wear my glasses to school sometime, even though they sorta make me look emo. But anyway, there was a huge arch of pink light over a pale blue sky. My mom thought that this might be the iridium flare, but I thought not since a flare naturally sounds more exciting. I looked it ^ for good measure and found out that I was right, though I missed it nonetheless.